Recommend movies for new users can be knotty since we have no prior data about new users. One strategy to solve this problem is providing new users with some movies to rate on, after which recommendation can be generated based on the given ratings. Then, here comes the problem: What kind of movies should be provided to new users?


Intuitively, these movies should be:

  • Popular: Users can’t comment on movies they have never heard of.

  • Differentiable: People who love the movie and who hate the movie should have varied taste.


In the following analysis we will explore this topic and try to find such movies in the dataset. we chose the most popular 100 movies released after 2000 to ensure popularity of movies, and adopted the adaptive bootstrapping algorithm proposed by Golbandi, N., et al. 2011. to find the most “differentiable” movies among these movies. Our findings was further implemented in our shiny app, which can recommend you movies based on your ratings of the movies we found here.



library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# Suppress summarise info
options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)


Data Preparation

The data preparation process has done following things:

  • extract year of release from the title of the movie
  • filter on year to only include movies released after 2000
  • find number of ratings of each movie, and select 100 movies with most ratings
  • convert numerical ratings into categorical variable which has three levels, lover, hater, unknown


Filter movies released after 2000

cut_year = function(string){
  # str_split() returns a list with 1 element, 
  # which is a vector containing splitted strings
  year_str = str_split(string, pattern = "\\(")[[1]]
  # sometimes the movie name also contains brackets,
  # so we only take the last element in the vector,
  # which must be the release year.
  year_str = str_remove(year_str[length(year_str)], "\\)")

movies = read_csv("./data/small/movies.csv") %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
    year = map(title, cut_year),
    year = as.integer(year)
  ) %>% 
  arrange(desc(year)) %>% 
  drop_na(year) %>% 
  filter(year >= 2000) %>% 
  select(movie_id, year)

We built a function cut_year to extract year from title, and filtered movies released after 2000. The format of title is [movie name] ([release year]), thus we extracted year through identifying brackets in title.


Find 100 movies with most ratings

rating_tidy = read_csv("./data/small/ratings.csv", col_types = "iinc") %>% 

hot_movies = 
  rating_tidy %>% 
  count(movie_id) %>%
  # right join previous tibble to filter movies released after 2000
  right_join(movies, by = "movie_id") %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  head(100) %>% 
  arrange(movie_id) %>% 
  pull(movie_id) %>% 

We built a data frame containing all users’ ratings on all movies, and found 100 movies with most ratings released after 2000.


Convert rating into categorical variable type

The adaptive bootstrapping algorithm demands a variable suggest user’s attitude toward movies, which should have three levels: lover, hater, unknown. Therefore, We converted numerical ratings into this variable, type.

Generate the Cartesian product of users’ ratings on movies
rating_dscts = 
  rating_tidy %>% 
  select(-timestamp) %>% 
  filter(movie_id %in% hot_movies) %>% 
  # pivot_wider will generate a matrix of user's rating towards movies, 
  # through which NA will be introduced when the user haven't seen the movie
  pivot_wider(names_from = movie_id, values_from = rating) %>% 
  # by using pivot_longer to transform this matrix back to tidy data,
  # we introduced NA in the rating column, which suggest the user haven't seen the movie
  pivot_longer(cols = as.character(hot_movies), names_to = "movie_id", values_to = "rating")

For each user, the raw rating file only includes records for movies they rated. To generate a variable which can suggest that the user haven’t seen this movie, we generated the Cartesian product of users’ ratings on movies at first.

classify = function(rating) {
  res = ""
  # if rating is NA, then the user has not seen this movie yet.
  if ( {
    res = "unknown"
  # if rating > 3.5, we consider the user is a "lover" of this movie
  } else if (rating >= 3.5) {
    res = "lover"
  # otherwise, we consider the user the movie's hater 
  } else {
    res = "hater"

user_cate =
  rating_dscts %>%
  mutate(type = map(rating, classify)) %>% 
  unnest(type) %>% 
  mutate(movie_id = as.numeric(movie_id))

In our exploratory analysis, we found that the median of all ratings is 3.5. Thus, if a user’s rating towards a movie is greater or equal to 3.5, we consider the user to be a “lover” of this movie, otherwise we consider the user the movie’s hater. If the rating is NA, then we know the user has not seen this movie and denote “unknown”.


Adaptive bootstrapping

The adaptive bootstrapping algorithm will find the most “differentiable” movie as the spliter to split users into three sub-groups, those who love it, those who dislike it and those who haven’t watched it. Then, for each sub-group, we repeat this process and split sub-groups into sub-sub groups. This recursive process will built a ternary tree whose nodes are movies, through which users will be divided into subgroups.


Calculate differentiation score

calc_score = function(data, id){
  # find who are lovers, who are haters, who are unknown of the given movie.
  user_movie_type = 
    data %>% 
    filter(movie_id == id) %>% 
    select(user_id, type)
  # calculate differentiation score
  score = 
    data %>% 
    # In input data, in each row, the type column represent the user's attitude 
    # towards the movie in this row. However, what we need is the user's attitude
    # toward the given movie. So here we remove the original type column at first
    select(-type) %>% 
    # Then, by join, we re-introduced the type column, which now represent the 
    # user's attitude toward the given movie.
    left_join(user_movie_type, by = "user_id") %>% 
    # the given movie should be excluded for calculating variance
    filter(movie_id != id) %>% 
    # calculating sigma_{N+, m}, sigma_{N-, m}, sigma{\overline{N}, m}
    group_by(type, movie_id) %>% 
    summarize(var = var(rating, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
    pull(var) %>% 
    # sum up to get D(M)
    sum(na.rm = TRUE)

To quantitatively describe the characteristic of “differentiable”, the algorithm defined the differentiation score, \(D(m)\) for movie \(m\), which is the sum of subgroups’ standard deviation of ratings on other movies:

\[D(m) = \sigma_{u \in N^{+}(m)} + \sigma_{u \in N^{-}(m)} + \sigma_{u \in \overline{N}(m)}\]

  • \(\sigma_{u \in N}\): the standard deviation of ratings on all movies users in \(N\) have seen. \(\displaystyle \sigma_{u \in N} = \sum_{m} \sigma_{u \in N, m}\).
  • \(\sigma_{u \in N, m}\): the standard deviation of ratings on \(m\) given by users in \(N\).
  • \(N^{+}(m)\): users who love \(m\)
  • \(N^{-}(m)\): users who dislike \(m\)
  • \(\overline{N}(m)\): users who haven’t seen \(m\)

By the definition, the most differential movie, i.e. the best splitter, should have the lowest \(D(m)\), because bad splitters will divide people with different taste into the same sub-group, resulting in increased \(D(m)\).

We built a function calc_score for calculating \(D(m)\) for the given movie.


Create a ternary tree class

  slots = c(
    mid = "numeric",
    sub_lover = "movieTreeNode",
    sub_unknown = "movieTreeNode",
    sub_hater = "movieTreeNode"

Because the algorithm will generate a tree like structure, we created a ternary tree class, movieTreeNode to store the calculation result.


Main function

# root is the root node of the ternary tree
# levels is the depth of the tree

find_movies = function(data, levels, root){
  # when level = 0, end the recursion process
  # when nrow(data) = 0, there is no users in this subgroup, so emd recursion
  if (levels == 0 || nrow(data) == 0) {
  # list all movies
  movies = 
    data %>% 
    pull(movie_id) %>% 
    as_vector() %>% 
  # for each movie, calculate its D(m)
  scores = list()
  for (i in 1:length(movies)) {
    scores[[i]] = calc_score(data, movies[[i]])
  # find the movie with lowest D(m)
  scores = as_vector(scores) %>% as.numeric()
  ind = which(scores == min(scores))[1]
  movie = movies[ind]
  # give the node this movie as its value
  root@mid = movie

  # generate subgroups of lovers of this movie
  lovers = 
    data %>%
    filter(movie_id == movie, type == "lover") %>% 
    pull(user_id) %>% 
  lovers_data = 
    data %>% 
    filter(user_id %in% lovers) %>% 
    filter(movie_id != movie)
  # generate subgroups of haters of this movie
  haters =
    data %>%
    filter(movie_id == movie, type == "hater") %>% 
    pull(user_id) %>% 
  haters_data = 
    data %>% 
    filter(user_id %in% haters) %>% 
    filter(movie_id != movie)
  # generate subgroups of who unknown of this movie
  unknowns = 
    data %>%
    filter(movie_id == movie, type == "unknown") %>% 
    pull(user_id) %>% 
  unknowns_data =
    data %>% 
    filter(user_id %in% unknowns) %>% 
    filter(movie_id != movie)
  # recursion, find the most differentiable movie in each subgroup
  root@sub_lover = find_movies(lovers_data, levels - 1, new("movieTreeNode"))
  root@sub_unknown = find_movies(unknowns_data, levels - 1, new("movieTreeNode"))
  root@sub_hater = find_movies(haters_data, levels - 1, new("movieTreeNode"))

We implemented the algorithm in the main function find_movies, which will build the ternary movie tree at the given depth. Each movie node represent the most differentiable movie in the corresponding sub-group.


Read the tree by level-order traversal

dfs = function(root, level, res){
  if (length(res) < level) {
    res[[level]] = list()
  if (identical(root@mid, numeric(0))) {
    # increasing the readability of future traversal result
    # by using -1 of the null node value
    res[[level]] = append(res[[level]], -1)
  res[[level]] = append(res[[level]], root@mid)
  res = dfs(root@sub_lover, level + 1, res)
  res = dfs(root@sub_unknown, level + 1, res)
  res = dfs(root@sub_hater, level + 1, res)

After running the main function, we would get the ternary tree store differentiable movies. To read this tree, we used level order traversal, in which we set null node’s value to -1 for better readability.




For testing, we perform the bootstrapping on 5000 rows of sampled data, generate a ternary tree with depth equals to 3, and retrieve the result to see among the 100 candidate movies which are differentiable movies.

root = find_movies(sample_n(user_cate, 5000), 3, new("movieTreeNode"))
res = dfs(root, 1, list())

# The last element must be a list completely made up of -1, 
# as they represent null nodes subject to leaf nodes
# so we directly discard it.
res = res[1:length(res) - 1]

## [1] "3996"                                             
## [2] "5349, 58559, 3994"                                
## [3] "3897, 68157, -1, 44191, 4022, 48385, -1, 4226, -1"


Running on the whole dataset

We also performed the bootstrapping process on the whole dataset. Due to the large time cost, the calculation is not performed while knitting this document but in advance, and the result was recorded as showed in the following section

root = find_movies(user_cate, 3, new("movieTreeNode"))
res = dfs(root, 1, list())

# The last element must be a list made up of several -1, so we directly discard it.
res = res[1:length(res) - 1]




The movie id sequence obtained:

result = list(list(7143), list(5952, 6016, 6377), list(7153, 7153, 4993, 7361, 48780, 4306, 3578, 4993, 4993))

## [1] "7143"                                                 
## [2] "5952, 6016, 6377"                                     
## [3] "7153, 7153, 4993, 7361, 48780, 4306, 3578, 4993, 4993"

These movies are:

movies = c(as_vector(result[[1]]), as_vector(result[[2]]), as_vector(result[[3]]))
movie_seq = 1:13

movies_df = tibble(seq = movie_seq, movie_id = movies)

movie_info = read_csv("./data/small/movies.csv") %>% 

movie_info %>% 
  filter(movie_id %in% movies) %>% 
  left_join(movies_df) %>% 
  arrange(seq) %>% 
  select(-seq) %>% 
  distinct() %>% 
  kableExtra::kbl() %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(font_size = 12)
movie_id title genres
7143 Last Samurai, The (2003) Action|Adventure|Drama|War
5952 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) Adventure|Fantasy
6016 City of God (Cidade de Deus) (2002) Action|Adventure|Crime|Drama|Thriller
6377 Finding Nemo (2003) Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy
7153 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003) Action|Adventure|Drama|Fantasy
4993 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) Adventure|Fantasy
7361 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Drama|Romance|Sci-Fi
48780 Prestige, The (2006) Drama|Mystery|Sci-Fi|Thriller
4306 Shrek (2001) Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy|Romance
3578 Gladiator (2000) Action|Adventure|Drama


Graphic interpretation:

According to the result, when facing new users, we can let them rate on movies we found. The logic is:

For new users, let them rate on “The Last Samurai” at first. Users who give ratings above or equal to 3.5 are considered to be lovers, and those who give ratings below 3.5 are considered to be haters. Users can also reply that they haven’t watched this movie. For lovers, we then let them rate on “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”, for haters we let them rate on “Finding Nemo”, and the unknown will be asked to rate on “City of God”. After rating on the second provided movie, users will then be asked to rate on the third movie which is also adaptively provided.